Member-only story
Wish upon a star, in Hiroshima
Coaching from Sub-Zero for post-pandemic / Session 5, Spring 2023
My parents are Isahaya, Nagasaki origin, and my late father’s factory where he worked from his secondary school was off on 9th August 1945 and watched a huge atomic bomb flash over the hill, otherwise, I may not be born then. As a graduate of junior high and high school in Hiroshima, maybe my observation over last weekend would be very emotional, rather than non-biased.
But moreover, I have got a message from Masahiro, who is 1 ki of Nakagawa Zemi and works as a taxi driver in Kyoto, with remarkable photos including the above;
“Sensei, now at G7, and working as one of the drivers of some government’s delegation. In Kyoto, I had asked to drive some VIP’s delegation, and these may test for me. Now enjoying”.
I always say that “No high or low at the job. As far as you enjoy that position as is as you are, I am pleased and respect your smile”. But at the same time, I personally wondered why some got BA with expensive tuition and became like taxi drivers. This has been told by the other faculty as well.
But I was wrong. Masahiro kindly teaches me.
After entering a taxi company in Kyoto, Masahiro took one higher driver's license and can drive a long-range drive…