Member-only story
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Lesson from project ALOHA
Coaching from Sub Zero — fighting against COVID-19 with Zoom / Autumn-Winter 2021–22 / Week 1
On the early morning of August, I got a call from my mentor, Professor Hiro Takeuchi Sensei at Harvard Business School (at age of 74, still active at the classroom).
“Hiro, I got a wild idea, then I need your help. Please ally with Gagi”
I am 4th generation of Takeuchi Zemi alumni and Masayoshi (Gagi) Fujii is at 15th. Already 20 years have passed from graduation, but all 265 members of Takeuchi Zemi enjoy our company, like “extended” family. Most of us enjoyed a “Kapalua camp” after 20th anniversary at Sensei’s condo in Maui.
This COVID 19 pandemic prevents us to go abroad, and this Kapalua camp has been postponed already 2 years. Also, this reduces Takeuchi Sensei for traveling to Boston, and turns out his daily routine to walk about 40 minutes nearby his house in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo. This routine gives him another energy; To buy secondhand Aloha shirts, which appeared at Sunday column in Nikkei Newspaper.