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Coaching and Teaching are different
I may be trying both, and hybrid style
Coaching from Sub Zero — fighting against COVID-19 with Zoom / Autumn-Winter 2021–22 / Week 4
As updating frequently, my exercise of Nakagawa Zemi are expanding gradually with lots of fun, and during these exercise, I am finding one of the key essence on how Coaching and Teaching are different.
As Professor Clay Christensen at HBS explained many times (, we should tell “how to do” to the executive when we have chance to talk and not to tell “what to do”, which hits all the way at my coaching exercise to the professionals. Yes this is the essence of Coaching.
However, does this apply to the undergraduate students?
College students does not have little business experience and if we insist this way of “how to do” story teller, they may be only confused, and lost their way of thinking. Hence, we need to adjust some way.
I always ask “what to do” first to the class. After some silence, I always say “Well, If I were you, I will do this way…