Member-only story
Class quality issue? Where? The year 2020 is the year of 20/20.
If committed to the students, Zoom helps more.
Coaching from Sub Zero — fighting against COVID-19 with Zoom
Summer 2020 / Week 4
Already about half year has passed as “Stay-at-home” suggestion (Japan can not lockdown under the current Constitution), this is the first Summer without overseas flights for the past 35 years of my life.
Isolation? No! Thanks to many friends over the world, I can reach the real news through these precious friends, more efficiently through Zoom; Like having many franchises.
Hiro, Hawaii, and Lake Tahoe are booming on property transactions. The high-end is getting richer even in this situation and making money on stocks and properties, with trading on the couch.
No one tells “Hiro, do not worry, Sleepy Joe will win at the end” This means that maybe four more years,,
Thanks to recovering the Chinese economy, China and Hong Kong business are booming up now.
(Unfortunately, these are not available through any Japanese media, Shame on them)
Yes, if you have a good and trusted company globally, this lockdown era is better to update…